Scripture For Today

I'm having a good week Devotionally speaking!

What I'm reading is really relevant and 'speaks' to me. I like it when that happens. It seems like I always have some times when I read my Devotional Material and say "Ok, what on earth am I supposed to get out of that?" I'm so glad that yesterday and today are not in that category!

Last night John and I were talking about a discussion he was having in one of his seminary classes about how society today is not marriage friendly. The media - or at least 98% of it - protrays relationships of all kinds in poor ways, with spouses, kids and parents, and friends being rude and disrespectful to each other, backstabbing each other, complaining to high heaven about the little things that each other does.

Are John and I perfect at being a couple? Heaven's no! But we don't deliberately demean, belittle, give the silent treatment, expect the other to read our mind, or call each other names. Our children aren't allowed to either (as much as we can control that and catch it when it does happen!). We grew up with very, very (did I say VERY?) different family dynamics and models but that was one thing both of our sets of parents - his and mine - have modeled very well for us. They also modeled for us that divorce is not an easy solution and is only a last resort solution with a lot of heartache, trials, and sorrow on all sides. My parents have been married to each other for 51 years and his have been married to each other for 36. We are so blessed and grateful.

So, what's the Scripture for today?

Romans 12:17-19
Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, "Vengence is Mine, I will repay," says the Lord.
It's not easy being 'nice' all the time. And you certainly can't make others be nice and act appropraitely. But YOU can act nice and be appropriate. Seeking revenge does nothing but cause division.
God doesn't want that.
And neither do we deep down inside.

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