I'm Lovin' This!

It's 1015am here. I have been up since about 5am. I actually got about 7 hours of sleep with only one wake up! Yippie!

In the half hour before John's alarm went off, I just decided to lay in bed and listen to the rain drum on the roof rather than pushing myself to get up and get rolling. I love that sound. *Sigh* Because I like it so much, I didn't haul myself out of bed until John started wondering where on earth he'd put his work keys at 605am. After a bit of a scramble we found them and he was off. So I made coffee and drank some and rocked. What a lovely way to start the day!

What I'm lovin' is the energy I have! I've already gotten so much done and will be able to get much more done today. I will probably need a short nap - I'm feeling like I will if I'm going to be doing coherent reading later today - but that's fine. I'm still recovering.

So far today I've changed all four beds, 6 sets of towels, the sofa slipcover, and the kichen tablecloth, done 3 loads of wash, swept the bedroom floors and changed out some more summer decorations for fall. That's in addition to my 10 minutes of quiet time, my morning devotions, breakfast, getting the kids up, fed, and out the door, and sending my parents off on the their drive home from visiting, helping and their trip overseas. Not bad, if I do say so myself! :)

I'm sure some of you think I'm crazy, but doing anything has been such a struggle. If I changed the 3 upstairs beds, I wouldn't have the energy to do the slipcover and would have to wait a bit before doing that and the towels. Then it would take me 2 days to do the 3 loads of laundry. Decorating? Forget about it - maybe I could swap out a burnt down candle or put out new placemats when the current ones got a little too icky for my taste, but that's it. Anything else? Forget it. That would be my energy limit for the day.

What else do I have on tap for today? Baking is next (I'm taking a break to blog, check email and drink some hot tea right now), then lunch, my short nap and then my schoolwork reading.

John has Bible Study kickoff here tonight, so the kids and I get to cuddle in pajamas on the futon downstairs, watching a movie and eating popcorn. I'm looking forward to that!

I'm lovin' today. I'm sure I'll love tomorrow too.

Isn't God good?

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