Back to Work

I'm back to class today. It's an evening class and I still have a bunch of reading to do before it. No matter - I have time and can read faster now than I have in a while! :)

The chicken for dinner tonight is in the crockpot, my bags are packed (except my laptop), I have a snack to tide me over from lunch until I get home and have dinner, and I have my ducks in a row to stop at the public library on the way up to school. I even have put the last little bit of laundry away and tidied up the house for John and the kids when they get home today.

It's good to be back - even though the time off has been nice.

It's nice to cross things off my to-do list.

It's nice to be learning intellectual things again.

It's even nicer to be back full force on the path that God has set before me.

God is good! Always.

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