A Good Weary

I officially over did it yesterday.

It felt so good to have energy again that I didn't know where to stop!

So, I woke up this morning physicaly weary. But it's a good weary. A weary that comes from doing more than I should but also from knowing that I will be able to do all that again. It's a weary that comes from accomplishment.

After I posted yesterday I did another 8 loads of laundry (don't ask!), put together my day planner for October and scheduled my next 2 weeks, cleaned the bathroom, made an enormous batch of cookies by hand (my mixer is too wimpy to handle it), made dinner, made popcorn and on-the-stove hot cocoa, got the living room and kitchen cleaned up for John's Bible Study, made and ate dinner, washed dishes (we don't have a dishwasher), did a little reading for school, put away the laundry, vacuumed the family room and then got the kids ready for bed and watched a movie with them while John's Bible Study was meeting.

I also got to bless John and his guys. It was his kick-off night and since he's been pulling most of the load around here the last two years, I wanted to do something special. So I dug out the fancy paper plates, napkins and cups, set the food out in my nice dishes (with Missy's help), and made hot cocoa (it was 45 degrees here yesterday with wind - brrr!). I put a plate of lit candles in the middle of the table and made sure the living room was toy-free and spotless. John was appreciative and the guys were impressed. I love to entertain so for me it was really no big deal. But, I've been too sick the last two years to do that. I was impressed that I got all that done with the kids downstairs cuddled up with a movie with 5 minutes to spare before they started arriving!

It took so little to make John happy - and put a big smile on his face - and it was my priviledge to do it!

No wonder I was tired.

Today my goals are simpler: my reading for school, the ironing and vacuum the living room. And maybe a nap.

It feels good to be back in the swing of things and even put a smile on the faces of others - even if I have to take it one day at a time.

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