Another Day at Home...

I had hoped that Missy would feel well enough to send her back to school and daycare today but that's not the case, so we're home again today.

I'm beginning to feel like I've been AWOL from work/school! Yes, I have good reason to be gone (and honestly wouldn't want to be there with a sick child at daycare - if they'd let me send her - or with a sick self either) but I'm starting to feel the responsibilities I have ther piling up on my shoulders.

I discovered yesterday that mornings are better for working on schoolwork with Missy home, rather than afternoons, which had been my original plan. I can sew quilt squares with her wanting to help me or interrupting me every 5 minutes. Reading a 10-page, small-type article from The British Journal of Educational Psychology and actually comprehending it, not to mention taking coherent notes, for a project at school, not so much! :)

So, we'll see how today goes in terms of getting schoolwork done. It frustrates me when I can't keep up with all of my responsiblities. It frustrates me when things don't go by my agenda. I need to remember that it will all work out for God's good. And that it could be a whole lot worse.

In spite of not getting much schoolwork done until I went to the local library yesterday evening, I have so much to be grateful for.

I'm grateful for a flexible schedule that allows me to stay home with a sick child.
I'm grateful I don't have to scramble to find 'backup, emergency' childcare and pay for it!
I'm grateful for a child who is an easy patient and content to eat popsicles and crackers, and watch movies or be read to without much fussing and complaining.
I'm grateful for my own improving health (antibiotics can be a very good thing!).
I'm grateful that John can take tomorrow off from work so I can go to class.
I'm grateful for medical insurance and access to medical care if we need it.
I'm grateful for stores to buy things like Tylenol and Motrin at.
I'm grateful that I have the cash to buy things like Tylenol and Motrin without having to worry.

Even with the temporary inconvenience of child with a cold, I have so much to be grateful for.
What more can I ask for?

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