Frugal Friday - The First Week of March 2020

Arches, ready to be assembled.
I had exactly zero intention of vanishing from this space for a month, but it happened!  We had an insanely busy February - only one day on the calendar that did not have an extra activity the entire month.  I am so grateful that March is here and we can slow down a bit. 

Part of the busy-ness of February was the school musical.  Both of our children participated, including building set pieces, one of which you can see above.  The arches were part of a "stone" promenade.  They had a marvelous time and we had free entertainment for four performances - we bought tickets for closing night and volunteered for the rest.  That meant we got to see all four performances!  They did a wonderful job.

I am skipping the frugal adventures from February, since I really can not remember most of them right now.  So, I am starting with what we did this past week.

* We cooked a shrimp, potatoes and corn sheet pan dinner, homemade pizza, pulled pork sandwiches, pasta with meatballs and tomato sauce with garlic bread and salad, and baked oatmeal muffins, pancakes, and bread this week.

* I did all of our ironing myself.

* I trimmed the flowers our children received for performing in the musical to create a new bouquet when they starts to wilt.

* Enjoyed the garlic bread John brought home from community supper.  They had cooked too much and were going to throw it away - he brought it home and we had it with pasta and meatballs the next night.  It kept just fine in the refrigerator and we toasted it in the oven before eating.

* I mended two bras and sewed a button back onto a pair of pants.

* John officiated a funeral and was paid extra for that.

* A church member delivered the 6 jars of jam we won at a raffle back in November.  Yum!

* The children applied for two summer jobs each - one with our church camp and one with a local YMCA camp they had attended for many years.  They do not run concurrently, so hopefully they will be able to work both this summer.  We will see what happens!

* I phoned my Father to wish him a Happy Birthday.  We talked for a long time.  We had sent flowers for his birthday and I had originally tried to order the bouquet we have ordered in the past.  They would not deliver the day of his birthday, so I chose another.  The second went through a smaller local florist and cost half the price of the original.  He was thrilled with the bouquet and we both enjoyed talking.   I also ordered a copy of the children's school musical for his birthday gift - it will ship later this month.  It was a very frugal birthday!  At 88 years young, I am grateful that he is still here and will treasure every moment we have.

Not frugal for us, but helping others be frugal:
My cousin, Diane, was in town for a medical appointment and she stayed with us during her time in town.  We had not seen her for several months and she has had an enormous amount of expenses lately (storm damage to their home, medical expenses, unusual and unexpected car repairs, etc.).  She really did not have the money to come down but needed to attend the medical appointment - it is probably the last hope for saving the function of her knee.  So, she stayed at our house and treated her to meals and one performance of the children's musical.  She enjoyed herself and we had a lovely visit!  In reality, the only money we spent extra was the cost of the musical ticket.  As treatment progresses, she will be visiting more often.  I am looking forward to that time with her!  I am the youngest cousin on that side of the family by almost 20 years.  Diane is the same age as my mother in law!  We are best friends and I am so grateful for her. 

What did you do this week that is frugal? 

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