Blessings from the Week of March 22 - 28, 2020

We are now under a Stay-At-Home order from the Governor as of yesterday, Saturday, March 28.  I've been working from home for over a week anyway and the kids have been too, so it is really just John who is affected.  He has been going in a few days a week and can still go in three times per week, because the local food shelf is running the pick up point out of our church building (logistics - there is no good drive up point at the food shelf itself). 

I am grateful for so much right now.  I am grateful that we are all healthy.  I am grateful we have a large yard (garden) to be in once the weather is sufficiently warm, giving us some outside time without having to be in close contact with anyone outside of our family.  I am grateful that my parents have wonderful neighbors and things like pharmacy delivery and grocery delivery and plenty of projects at home to keep them busy during this time.

Here are some of the specific things that I am feeling very blessed by this past week:

The flowers in the top photo - John brought them home after grocery shopping this past week.  I have another bouquet on our piano as well.  Those were gifted to us after a funeral two weeks ago - and look still lovely.  

The Falafel recipe I tried for the first time this week turned out wonderful!   It is definitely a recipe we will make again.  Delicious!

John bringing home blackberries, celery and a package of blond Oreo's that were left at church for us.

Our daughter receiving a HUGE, state-wide recognition for her performance last month in their high school's musical.  We received the notice this past week.  She is a Freshman (9th grader) and it is rare that a 9th grader received this type of recognition.

My beautiful, new camera - a Christmas gift - which allows me to take wonderful photos.  I am so grateful!  I love taking photos but have been without a "real" camera for about 10 years. 

The rhubarb peeking up in the garden - it's a little early but not much.  Spring is definitely on the way!

Our children were able to attend a special school workshop via Zoom.  

This cute little rock hidden along the walking path near our home.  Such a neat idea!

The neighbors holding a "family only" birthday party for their daughter (age about 5) that included Dad wearing a pink tutu and crown!  They had the party in their back yard (garden) that backs up on our fence - we could see the party from our house windows.  So, we went out and sang Happy Birthday over the fence!  They were having such a good time and loved that we came and sang. 

And my favorite:  We have a brand new niece!  Born this past Wednesday.  Mom and baby are doing very well and we are all cooing over photos sent via text, email and Facebook.  Facetime and Skype will have to wait -  Mama and Daddy want some "alone" time with baby before sharing.   

What were your blessings this week?

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