Goals for the Week of February 9, 2014

It seems like no matter how hard I try, my schedule just seems to fill up!  I ended up at work on Saturday which I just did *not* want to do - my weekends are time at home without my 2+ hour each day commute, thank you very much!  I often think of how much time I'd have if I didn't have the commute I do, but there aren't any other jobs in my field closer to my house (or here in the Twin Cities at all for that matter!), so that's where I am.  I love what I do and I love where I work and who I work with, so I keep reminding myself that when I'm stuck in traffic! :)

Anyway, I'm going to skip my goals from last week because other than work and family the list was pretty depressing to me.  I got a bunch of stuff started and not much completed.   SIGH.  Add to that that my week got started off with Missy deliberately cutting a huge piece of material out of her only pair of pants that actually fit her (she is a size 8 slim extra-tall - did you even know they made that size for little girls? I didn't.) and those pants were not cheap, let's just say this Mama wanted to start the week over. And it was only Sunday night. DOUBLE SIGH.  We're going to try to salvage the pants (when I'm in a better mood to deal with that) and she "gets" to buy herself a new pair with the allowance she has been painstakingly saving for a special something for 8 weeks now.   Right now, my goal for this week is to get through this list in a reasonable mood and no tantrums - on my part or anyone else!

So, without much fanfare, here's the list for this week:

* Be prepared for class each day.
* Keep my grading caught up.
* Finish scanning the pile of "stuff" on my desk that needs to be scanned

* Meet with my advisor
* Finish 2 things on my list

* Teach 2 classes
* Attend at least 1 class
* Learn 2 new routines

* Swimming Lessons
* Piano Lessons
* Dance Lessons
* Play date for Missy
* Family Night
* Date with John
* Finish making Valentine's
* Finish paperwork for the Children's School and turn that in

* Daily Chore - I do well with the ones I like, not so much the rest!
* Get the taxes finished
* Zero out our budget and see where we need to be in 16 weeks (gulp!)
* Finish cleaning out the filing cabinet
* Work on my cousin's memorial quilt (I'd love to get this finished but I don't think I will be able to)

* Review internship sites
* Send two notes
* Finish the letter to our Compassion International child

* Get to bed on time 5 nights this week
* Spend a total of 1 hour doing embroidery this week or reading a fun book

What are you up to this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom to share!

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