Blessings February 2019

Snow has been a recurring theme in February 2019!  This was the photo out my kitchen window this morning.  The children are excited about an upcoming snow tubing party next week.  That should be really fun!  The type of snow we have is just perfect for playing. 

February was rough and long and I definitely need to remind myself of the blessings we have had this past month

Wonderful students this semester! I am so enjoying my classes.
Extra time at home due to the snow.  This was a definite perk of the mountains of snow we gained this past month.  Several things were canceled multiple times and we were able to enjoy extra time at home together as a family. 
Beautiful sunrises and one amazing sunset.  These have been amazing this past month!
Basketball games and tournaments.  Basketball season ended in February for us, but our children have so enjoyed playing this year.  They had amazing coaches and learned so much. We have the end-of-season party coming up next week and we will be sad that the season has officially ended. 
Time with family - we had two sets of family members visit and stay at our home and met a cousin and her family for a fun day out.   We are super blessed with a close, wonderful family.
Valentine's Day Flowers - John bought two bouquets (one for me, one for our daughter) and I still have flowers on my kitchen table 2 weeks later!  I love having flowers on my kitchen table and our daughter was so excited that Daddy bought her flowers!  So wonderful. 
Our children enjoyed a field trip to see a play this past month. 
I am still in love with being able to download ebooks and audiobooks from the library.  Our lovely local library is one of our favorite places to be!
More fundraisers - both for youth group and for their class trip at school. 
Some great deals on meat this past month.  We had almost no meat in our freezers (seriously - a whole chicken and a 1/2 lb of bacon were it at the start of February), so this was a huge blessing. We were able to stock up on Chicken, Ground Beef, and Sausage.
Finishing up our yearly taxes early this year.  Our tax situation did not change at all from last year, in spite of the new tax laws.  We are fine with that and it is nice to have our yearly tax filing done.
My mother's heart surgeon.  What a man!  I am so grateful for his ability to care for others and do delicate work. 
My mother being home and well on her way to recovery after two heart procedures. 
Telephones and email and texting.  Instantaneous communication when worried about a family member can be a wonderful thing! 
Being capable of shoveling our own driveway and walkways and raking our own roof.  I am grateful that we are all able bodied and able to take care of these types of things by ourselves. 
What were your blessings in February 2019?

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