Super Savings Saturday - $37.88 with 2 Beef Roasts!

No photo today! 

John and I dropped the children and the  groceries off at home and went on an honest to goodness date for a short while!   It was just an afternoon coffee/tea at a local coffee shop with a gift card but it was wonderful.  He had a crazy busy week this last week and this one looks busy too with two funerals and several meetings in the ramp up for the annual congregational meeting next weekend.  I'm grateful to have had some time to spend together before the craziness sets in.

We stopped at one store after a trip to the local library and bought the following:

1lb Heart Candies $2.99
1lb Yellow Cornmeal $2.19
Large Fresh Pineapple $2.99
2.2lb Yellow Bananas @ $0.59/lb = $1.30
1.63lb Braeburn Apples @ $2.49/lb = $4.06 (This was NOT what the sign read and we didn't check the receipt until well after we had come home; we would normally never have bought them at this price!)
1 Gallon 1% Milk $3
10 6oz Yogurt Cups @ 5/$3 = $6
1.88lb and 1.86lb Beef Tip Roasts B1G1 = $11.26  ($3/lb which is a great price for this here)
1lb sausages x2 = $1.89 ($0.93/lb - another good price!)

Total Spent: $37.88
Total Savings: $14.16 or 27% according to store receipt

We had not planned on buying meat this week but the sales were excellent so we bought the two beef roasts and the two packages of sausage.  These are breakfast sausages and will be a nice treat - we haven't bought any in quite a while.  The beef roasts will provide more than one meal each with leftovers so we're pretty excited about those too.

Right now, I'd like to buy some fish for Holy Week but other than that we have meat and veggies to cover us all the way through Easter!  I'm pretty excited about that!  That means we can easily lower the grocery budget these next couple of months.  We haven't been doing a good job of that these last couple of weeks so the break will be welcome.

I have our menu totally planned out through Easter and I'm quite happy with it.  We have a full freezer, pantry and cupboard and I'm looking forward to using up the things in there and making the most of what we have. We have enough that the variety will be pretty good too. Please join me for a Pantry Challenge in February and March!

Come back Monday to see what we're eating this week. 

How did you do with your shopping this week?  Any amazing deals?

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