Frugal Friday - Week 3 of 52 - January 12 - 18, 2018

Some of the flowers from my garden last summer - I'm so looking forward to more this summer!

It was a very odd week - we started with Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday and our daughter and I fighting a bad head cold, Missy was better Tuesday but I was not, and then I felt like we were trying to catch up all the rest of the week.  I was a bit relieved that it was Friday today!

We had several just unpleasant things going on this week but we did a very nice job of being fairly frugal - it's easy to not spend money when you're home sick, I guess.  Either way, it ended up being a reasonable week all the way around and we're looking forward to a quiet week at home and some extra rest before all the activities start to ramp up next week.

Here are some frugal things we did this week:

* We made two types of soup, biscuits, and waffles at home this week.

* John brought home leftover chicken noodle soup (homemade) and cookies from a church event.  We used those for lunch and treats.

* I cleaned out my tea stash, composed a bit that were way past usable and sorted everything else so it is more accessible and usable.  I also discovered that I have 5 tea strainers, so I put one in my bag to take up to work for my tea stash there.  I had been just letting the leaves settle before drinking.  This will be much better.

* I worked on quite a bit of embroidery this week.  All for gifts.

* We renewed library books online last weekend.  We'll return them this weekend and get a few new.

* We ate all meals and snacks at home but one, which was lunch at church for Bible Study on Sunday.

* We updated the budget book and paid the bills.  The budget will be really quite tight the rest of the month - tighter than we'd like.  But, we paid off a small medical debt and the car this month!  I'm super excited about both!  We still have several more medical bills to go, but we're making progress.

I think that's it for us this week.  What did you do this week that was frugal?

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