The above photo shows our garden harvest, the CSA box contents and our very messy table earlier this week. We did a large grocery shop after our vacation, including many things to make freezer meals for the fall. We will assemble those next week (and I'm hoping I can do a post too!). The box of mango just visible in the back left is part of that - we sliced and froze them for smoothies later this fall. They were just 88-cents each; a HUGE deal for around here! The acorn squash and the small basket are the produce from our garden. The basket contains a handful of green beans, cherry tomatoes and a purple pepper. The CSA box is the rest of the produce - cucumbers, baking potatoes, yellow zucchini, a variety of peppers, two onions, a bulb of garlic, green beans (in the plastic produce bag, back center), thyme, tarragon, one each purple and green kohlrabi, broccoli, carrots, and a produce bag of tomatoes (just visible on the right). The produce f...