Super Savings Saturday - August 18, 2018

The above photo shows our garden harvest, the CSA box contents and our very messy table earlier this week.  We did a large grocery shop after our vacation, including many things to make freezer meals for the fall.  We will assemble those next week (and I'm hoping I can do a post too!).  The box of mango just visible in the back left is part of that - we sliced and froze them for smoothies later this fall.  They were just 88-cents each; a HUGE deal for around here!

The acorn squash and the small basket are the produce from our garden.  The basket contains a handful of green beans, cherry tomatoes and a purple pepper. 

The CSA box is the rest of the produce - cucumbers, baking potatoes, yellow zucchini, a variety of peppers, two onions, a bulb of garlic, green beans (in the plastic produce bag, back center), thyme, tarragon, one each purple and green kohlrabi, broccoli, carrots, and a produce bag of tomatoes (just visible on the right).

The produce from the garden was no cost out of pocket.   The CSA box is also paid for, so no cost out of pocket as well.

With all the produce we only needed a few specific groceries this week.  John and I took a quick run to one store and purchased the following:

Tortilla Chips $1.99
Bacon 1lb 2@$3.99ea = $7.98
Red Grapes 2.56lb @ $1.99/lb = $4.81
Peaches 3.19lb @ $1.99/lb = $6.35
Bananas 2.23lb @ $0.59/lb = $1.32
Baby Spinach 36oz $3.76
12oz Yogurt containers 4@ 4/$5 = $5
36oz Greek Yogurt $4.99
Smart Balance Spread $3.29
1 doz large eggs $1.79
1 gallon 1% milk $3.79

Total spent $45.05

Did you find any good deals this week?

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