Menu Plan Monday - Week of April 28, 2013

A calzone and fruit - yummy!!!!

We finally have spring - whoot!  I am so excited! The weather was still winter-jacket weather at the beginning of last week, complete with boots and snow pants, but by the end of the week it was 70F+ outside!  We ate dinner outside on Friday and even grilled. The kids asked for hot dogs so we used about $7 of our "entertainment/recreation" money to buy hot dogs and buns and grilled out on Friday.  I think everyone else had the same idea - our whole neighborhood smelled like burgers!  We've spent a lot of time outside the last few days cleaning up the yard and just enjoying the weather after being stuck inside for soooo long.

We have a lot of food in our freezer, pantry and fridge still.  Since we're saving for a bulk meat purchase and our CSA starts again in about a month, we're still trying to eat from the freezer in particular.  We have a lot of meat - chicken, shrimp, pork, a bit of ground beef, a whole turkey, a large ham and some white fish. (No wonder we have very little room in our freezer!) We also have several packages of golden beets and snow peas that I blanched and froze last summer.  When I did an inventory earlier this week I also discovered several packages of frozen spinach, strawberries, blueberries, diced and peeled apples, a single stir fry packet, 2 packages of cabbage rolls and some lunch meat.   I think it's safe to say that we'll eat well for quite a while without having to buy much!    We were also given some animal crackers by a friend, so the kids are having those for snacks a few times this week.

We have to rush to both a dance competition and a piano recital (both of which our children are participating in) on Sunday - after we had been assured that they would not have to dance on Sunday! - so we decided to try a new recipe for crock pot fried rice on Sunday just to make dinner easy.  A friend of ours, whose daughter danced for the studio our children dance for, is bringing us lunch at the competition on Sunday - isn't that sweet of her?  I'm doing a fair amount of baking - we're trying to avoid store-bought bread here since it's so much cheaper to make it and we just like the taste so much better.

Here's our menu for this week, which includes a trip to the park for a picnic:

Sunday, April 28:
      Breakfast: Cereal and Milk
      Lunch: At the Dance Competition
      Snack: Animal Crackers
      Dinner:  Shrimp and Spinach Saute, Crock Pot Fried Rice, Orange Wedges and Melon
      Baking: Whole Wheat Buns

Monday, April 29:
     Breakfast:  Oatmeal with Apples and Cinnamon
     Lunch: Hot Lunch for the Children, Leftovers for the Adults
     Snack: Yogurt
     Dinner: Pulled BBQ Chicken, Whole Wheat Buns, Green Beans, Melon-Banana-Apple Salad
     Baking:  Easy Oatmeal Cookies, Matzo

Tuesday, April 30:
    Breakfast: Oatmeal with Cinnamon and Walnuts
    Lunch: Turkey and Cheese Sandwiches, Carrots, Oranges
    Snack: Animal Crackers
    Dinner: Picnic at the Park:  Wrap Turkey Sandwiches, Carrots, Celery and Cherry Tomatoes, Oranges, Cookies

Wednesday, May 1:
     Breakfast: Oatmeal Muffins and Bananas
     Lunch: Apples with Peanut Butter, Matzo, Carrot Sticks, Cookie
     Snack: Yogurt
     Dinner: Ground Beef Tomato Sauce with Spaghetti, Melon-Pineapple-Banana Salad

Thursday, May 2:
    Breakfast:  Pancakes with Bananas and Walnuts
    Lunch: PB&J on Pancakes, Yogurt, Oranges, Cookie
    Snack: Animal Crackers
    Dinner:  Scrambled Eggs, Waffles, Pineapple and Melon
    Baking:  Apple Cinnamon Bars for a school event

Friday, May 3:  
    Breakfast: Chai Spiced Oatmeal with Walnuts
    Lunch: Turkey Sandwiches, Apples, Carrot Sticks, Cookie
    Snack: Yogurt
    Dinner: Baked Chicken, Golden Beets, Roasted Potatoes, Pineapple-Melon-Apple Salad

Saturday, May 4:
    Breakfast: Blueberry Buckle
    Lunch: Triple Ginger Pancakes or Gingerbread Pancakes, Bananas, Walnuts
    Snack: At a Birthday Party
    Dinner: Homemade Pizza and Bread sticks, Oranges
    At-home Date Night Desert: Apple Crisp

What are you eating this week?

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