In the Refiner's Fire - Just when you think....

So my husband is going through this little journey called Seminary.  As in, "I want to be a Pastor when I grow up" Seminary.

In our church denomination this is usually a 2 year full-time student plus 1 year full-time internship plus another 1/2 year full-time student journey - so 3 1/2 years total.  In our family it has been a 5 year journey so far because he's only going part-time and working full-time while doing so (and yes, he does sleep occasionally!).  We have one more year of classes until he does his internship.  We have everything set up so that we don't have to come back as a student after that unless he's really lacking something (which we hope he isn't!).  He'll be quitting his job to do the internship, which is both scary and exciting and we're (okay, I'M) very nervous about how all of that is going to work out.

Recently John met with a Pastor of a church to talk about summer Pulpit Supply for their congregation over the summer.  We were thinking something on the order of him preaching a couple of Sundays so the current Pastor can go on vacation - which is what the others churches have asked for.  That was part of what the conversation was.  Additionally.....

...Well, let's just say that the conversation was so much more than that.  

I'm not going to say anything more at this point, but - Lord willing - it's a great opportunity and will be the perfect stepping stone to things after Seminary.  We'll finalize everything starting the weekend of May 5th and I'll post more after that.

We're completely reeling from all of this - bowled over and sideswiped, as it is.  In a very, very good way of course.

And, even if this particular opportunity doesn't come to pass the way we think it will right now, it has been the most amazing glimpse into how the Lord is planning for our future without our knowledge.  

I'm probably going to be on pins and needles for the next two weeks - we're so terribly excited and we're so  overwhelmingly amazed!  And everything looks so much better than it was.  I can't wait to share the full story - only God could come up with something this amazing!

In the meantime, could you please say a prayer or two for us?   I'm not quite sure for what - we so want to do the Lord's will in all of this.  So maybe for that?  For peace in our hearts, certainly (we're awfully excited).   And for this congregation.  There. That's it.  Thanks!

Just when you think you know what the future has in store, everything changes!  And the Lord is so very, very good!

Soli Deo Gloria.

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