In the Refiner's Fire - Things I Learned in 2010

My apologies for this being a wee bit late (as in three days!). Ugh.  Time just got totally away from me on Thursday - took my parents to the airport and then spent the afternoon with my kiddos. What fun that was!  I realized about the time I went to bed that I hadn't posted. Opps!
Ditto for Friday!  John was home for the day and we took the kids to the Science Museum of Minnesota to climb on their Geometry Playground before it leaves for a new destination on the 9th of January and then to view the Dinosaur skeletons - a special request from Buddy who is about all things dinosaur right now!  We had a great day, beat the storm home and then played card games, board games and rung in the New Year at midnight as a family with chocolate fondue.

Now, we're heading back to normal - or something like that anyway!

My Thursday "In the Refiner's Fire" posts are always the hardest for me to write.  I assigned them to Thursdays because I knew that in the beginning and I have a wee bit of extra time on Thursdays.   I did a fair job of writing about my 'early life' - until we moved here to the Twin Cities.  Since then my life as been much more demanding in so many ways and it has been very difficult for me to write about.   

Since part of the purpose of having this blog is that I want to share my story - which I have done many times with others in person - I do want to write my story in full and post it in the "In the Refiner's Fire" category.  And I have been slowly writing it behind the scenes and posting mostly about other things I've learned along the way.  My one major blogging goal for 2011 is to get that whole story written up and posted sequentially in it's entirety.  Thanks for sticking with me while I struggle through that.

I've learned so much in my faith walk this year, as well as the difficultly of writing my faith story to share with others.

I've learned that:
* God is always bigger than my problems - no matter what they are or how many come at a time.
* My day really does go better when I start off with time in God's Word and Prayer!
* God really does love me, no matter what I do.
* God's grace is sufficient.
*God is the judge, not me or you or the person down the street.
* I have a long way to go in my walk with the Lord.
* I tend to be like Martha instead of Mary, and I desperately want to be like Mary!
* God will never leave me nor forsake me.
* I need to redeem my time, rather than abusing it and losing it.
* I need to leave my earthly treasures for heavenly ones.
* I need to be the person who I want my daughter to be - and that is far easier said than done!
* I am so richly blessed - far beyond what I could ever hope for or imagine on my own.

This year has been a year of ups and downs as it has been for so many of you. 

And God is always there.
No matter what.

I just need to remember to lean on Him, and not my own understanding.

And now we have been blessed with another year where I can do just that.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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