Healthy Habits in 2011 - Upping the Ante

My dear friend Bea and I went to breakfast last weekend.  I won't even talk about what I ate (it was very high in calories - but I did get a side of fruit!), but we decided that we're going to be each other's accountability partners in this whole weight loss thing!

She has several physical difficulties that mean strenuous exercise is out of the question for her.  After some extensive surgery 2 years ago that finally allowed her to move without pain for the first time in the entire time I'd known her (since 2000), she was able to lose 60lbs!  Whoo hoo!  You go girl!  It's amazing what being able to move at all can do to your physical fitness level! 

I tell you, she's an inspiration to me in so many ways, and that's just one of them!

Anyway, she has a grand baby (her first!) due in May and is hoping to lose another 20lbs by then. 

I am planning on being certified as a Jazzercise instructor before the end of the year and would like to lose 15lbs by then.

So, we're going to help each other out!

How, by cheering each other's successes and supporting each other through the bumps and keeping each other accountable!

I love that!

First up for us: calibrating those pedometers and upping those steps. 
My goal for this week: Recalibrate that pedometer and actually wear it! :)

How about you?  How are you upping the ante on your healthy habits this year? 

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