Frugal Friday - My $25 for 6 OCC Boxes, and How I Did with My 2010 Financial Goals

One of my goals for 2010 was to fill 6 shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child for $25.  I did it - barely! 

That included buying 6 plastic shoe-box size boxes with lids for the boxes as well as the contents.  Much of the contents was gleaned from my own stash - things left over from other projects or from my boxes from last year, as well as stickers that a friend gave to me for my children that we definitely didn't need.

I'm glad I succeeded but I keep looking at the total in my sidebar and thing I can do even better this next year! 

We also had to fill two more boxes for my kids' school - one from each of my kids - and we just let them pick out whatever they wanted to totally another $50 to fill the boxes.  I wasn't happy with spending that amount, so I'm hoping to have the kids pick things out throughout the year to fill boxes this coming fall.

I'll post my goals for my 2011 OCC boxes on Monday so stay tuned!

As for our financial goals, I had a goal of meeting 2 of our numerous financial goals for 2010 and did that!  And more besides!

We actually hit all 5 financial goals that I had posted on the blog here!

We saved for the kids' tuition at school and their uniforms, my tuition at school, fully funded our 'fees' category in our budget, and our date night fund as well.   I'm more than just a little amazed that we had all that taken care of - which I didn't realize until I started reviewing for this post!  What a pleasant surprise!

We found out that the uniforms will have to cost more than we planned - 2-3 bottoms just does not work for kindergartners and mom doing laundry only once a week.  We also found out that our date night fund was sufficient to buy symphony tickets and buy us dinner but not to pay for babysitters!  Opps.  Those things we need to up for next year!

I'll be sharing our financial goals for 2011 next week, so stay tuned!

For more Frugal Friday, Check out Life as Mom!

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