What I Learned About Myself Today

I learned something about myself today.

That something is that I can handle only so much cleaning out before I start to really need a break.

You see, we're one of those families. You know, the ones with things looking pretty good around the house but...

...there are piles of magazine or books or newspapers or letters in the corners...
...there are a couple of rooms or parts of rooms that become catch-alls for random things...
...there are closets and drawers that are crammed to the hilt.

Our bedroom had become one of those places - my dresser and the cedar chest being the main depository areas. UGH. It was truly ugly.

I had tackled the cedar chest and everything around it on Friday. Lovely. Clean. Uncluttered. Ahhhh.....

Today, it was the dresser's turn. Either it was more stuff to clean off and/or sort through or it was too many different categories of stuff or something. I'm not exactly sure. But I found out that I can only take about 2 hours of it before I start going stir crazy. I guess I need to do something about that if I'm going to get this house cleaned out as I'd like to...

I also realized that we have several categories of things that don't have a home. Which may be why we have roaming piles in our house. I guess I need to do something about that too....

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