Goals Update!

Well I've had some pretty ambitious goals for 2010!

So far, things have been pretty slow. Nothing to cross off on my sidebar yet.

Yet, things have been getting done.

Our bedroom is cleaned out except for John's dresser and nightstand. Since those are his areas, as far as I'm concerned, the bedroom is cleaned out! I have a pile of clothes that are getting donated and another couple of skirts and a dress that are too small currently (I can fit into them but I don't dare move!) that I love and want to keep that are going into our 'out of season' clothes closet. The piles and clutter are gone. I do have two new piles in the living room however, my 'roving' piles of stuff that don't have a home that I have to figure out what to do with. I officially have WAY too many hair elastics and socks. Don't need to buy those for a very long time! Our bedroom is feeling much bigger and cleaner - it's amazing how much bigger a room feels when 1/3 of the available floor space isn't taken up with clutter! I'm loving that.

I'm almost finished with the living room as well - walls and curtains washed, furniture polished, clutter cleaned out. I really want to rehang the artwork over the sofa and swap some things out for 'new' things. My MIL gave me a crocheted doily with our last name on it and I got that framed last summer. Since we didn't have a place to put it before, it's just been sitting between the desk and the wall on end. It's lovely, so I'd like to hang it. I also have a couple of photos of Buddy and Missy that are about 3 years old that should be replaced by something more current or taken down. I need to finish cleaning out the china hutch and the bookcases and polish the roll top desk. So that's on the agenda for today.

I've also finished a stitching project that I've been working on for a while - a pillowcase for Missy with Cinderella on it. I bought it on clearance about a year and a half ago and have been working on it in stolen moments, usually in the car when we are traveling. That means I work on it about 2 or 3 times a year! :) I needed something quiet to do yesterday for a short while and since I was almost done, I decided that I'd finish it. So that's done. And tucked away for my daughter's birthday this spring. Alas, it's not on my sidebar so I can't cross it off.

So, my goals for this week include getting two of those baby quilts done and maybe the chair protectors sewn, as well as the last of the living room clean out done. Also at home, I'd like to get my scrapbook stuff organized for the February retreat I attend and some work on the birthday gifts I'm making done (at least 4 gifts made!). My list also includes getting Bread and M&M cookies made (we got premade cookie dough as a Christmas gift, so that one is easy!).

For school/work I'd like to get final word on my written exam and my oral exam scheduled as well as my registration for this spring semester taken care of. I also need to get with the people for my seminar and get my ducks in a row for that.

John and I had a meeting on our budget and still have one more thing to hash out so I won't post on that now except to say that I'm pleased with how it's going. We had a lot to discuss and decide upon, but we're well on our way to a workable plan! And we're both happy with it - even better!

So, even though nothing is getting crossed off on my sidebar, progress is being made! I'm loving that!

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