Blogging Goals for 2010

Well, I'll be achieving the BIG goal of getting this thing public this week (Wednesday! whoo hoo!), so I thought I'd tackle some real blogging goals for this year:

  1. Follow a topic schedule. I'm realizing that my main purpose in this blog is not being followed very well - more random-ish (thoughts, happenings, etc.) postings - so I need some structure. (Yes, I do have a purpose in mind for this blog!) I love structure - I find my life just runs more smoothly when I have structure. So here's my structure for this year: Sunday: These are a few of my favorite things; Monday: Menu Plan Monday and Goals; Tuesday: Healthy Habits in 2010; Wednesday: Work, Home and Family; Thursday: In the Refiner's Fire (My Faith and Health Story); Friday: Frugal Friday; Saturday: Super Savings Saturday. I posted this in my side bar to keep myself accountable. I do reserve the right to add posts as I'd like though! :)
  2. Monetize this thing! This is something I'll do eventually but I need to get a few other ducks in place first. I also need to check on the ramifications of doing this under a pseudonym (if there are any at all!).
  3. Completely revamp my format. I have some ideas about what I'd really like this to look like but need to see how this works first and what really works and what doesn't. And look around a bit to see what I like and what I don't like.

I have a few other things floating around in the back of my head but that's it for now. Doable, measurable, and realistic given my schedule and everything else in my life.

Do you have blogging goals for 2010? Care to share?

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