Character Traits in November

The three character traits I'm working on this month are as follows:

* Creativity
* Ordiliness
* Thoroughness

I have a tendency to be messy and half-finishing things, so I'm hoping to use these to get a few things crossed of my to-do list that have been on there! These things include:

* Cleaning out my home office and organizing it (something I've started and stopped about 10 dozen times!)
* Finishing my half-done sewing projects
* Cleaning out the boxes left from when we moved in 10 years ago. Ahem. Yes. There aren't that many of them, but they're there.
* I also have a list of 5 loose ends for school that need to be tied up this semester.

The creativity part, I'm not that worried about, though depending on the context, it could be challenging. I'll write back at the end of the month about how I did with all of these and am hoping to post with my finished to-do list projects along the way.

From last month:
* Thriftiness
* Self-Control
* Eternal Security

I made some strides in thriftiness and self-control, but not as much as I'd like. I will continue to work on those. Eternal security is something that is fairly easy for me right now due to the newness of the whole faith happenings that have happened in the last two and a half months. I think that will be something I might need to work on at times in the future though!

God willing, I'll make some serious progress this month! And not get ill again....
I'll keep you posted!

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