Frugal Friday - Week of May 24, 2020

Giant Iris!  I have three types blooming in my garden right now

This week was crazy busy with summer session happening, a LOT of rain (we received 5 1/2 inches in one evening at our home), and a variety of other things going on. The children had final exams this week and are very happy to have a week or two to relax before jumping into a babysitting job for the rest of the summer.

Here are some things we did this week that were frugal:

* We grilled hot dogs and bratwurst twice this week, roasted squash, made empanadas, baked homemade pizza, had pulled pork sandwiches, and several salads and no bake energy bites for meals and snacks this week.

* I harvested lettuce and radishes from the garden this week.  We still have rhubarb too.

* I planted bean, pea and carrot seeds in the garden this week.

* I also spent quite a bit of time weeding and cleaning up the garden this week.  With all the rain, we had a lot of fallen branches and leaves and broken plants to clean up.

* I picked a bouquet of giant iris to place on my kitchen table twice.  One bouquet was blooms that had broken off in the rain. 

* I listened to audiobooks from the library while doing housework, cooking and weeding.

* John and I went on a walk for an at-home date.

* The children watched two movies we already owned and one streamed on Netflix.

* We made a short list of things we would like to do this summer.  All are free or very close to free.

* We continued to workout via video and our local walking path.

* A Parishioner gave us 8 homemade doughnuts and a miniature loaf of banana bread. YUM!  They were so good!

* Another Parishioner gave us more wild blueberries they had harvested.  We cannot eat all the blueberries we have, so I froze them for later use.

What did you do this week that was frugal?

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