Blessings - January 2019

Once upon a time, I did a regular job of listing the blessings for the previous month here on the blog.  One of my goals for 2019 is to get back to it!  More for my record and memory than anything else, but blessings are always good to share. At least I think so!
Here we go: Blessings for January 2019
New Year's Day 2019!  A brand new year.
John's 45th Birthday - celebrated with pizza from a new favorite pizza place and a handful of gifts.  The day even started with the beautiful sunrise above!  I am so blessed to be his wife!
Lots of basketball games - free entertainment and exercise for the children. 
Workshops for work for John and I - well worthwhile and delicious free meals too!
Cleaning out the closets - seriously, why do we hang on to so much stuff?  We donated the bulk of it in hopes of blessing others.
Brunch at a friend's house after church one Sunday.
Lunch out with a friend x 2 - I'm so blessed with good friends!
Three dates out with my husband!  Such a blessing to be able to spend time together and just be a couple, rather than running around or being distracted.   We are aiming for 2 dates each month this year.  We blew it out of the water this last month!
Our daughter getting her ears pierced!  She has been wanting to do this for a couple of years and it was a Christmas present this year.   She is loving having pierced ears. 
The Baptism of a beautiful baby boy at church one Sunday. (Our denomination practices infant baptism.) 
Our children have done a fair amount of fundraising this past month, both for Youth Group at church and for a school event this year.  It has been informative for them and helpful for us financially.
An unexpected visit from family members.  We enjoyed the visit so much!
A "snow and cold week" this last week.  Extra time with the children.  While we would have liked school to happen, it was a good time together.  I am also grateful that between the two of us adults, we could do a significant amount of work from home and classes were canceled for me too, so our children did not need to be home alone much.
A new winter coat for our daughter, purchased on clearance sale.
Warm clothes and winter gear. 
A warm house with central heating during the super cold days we had this past month.
My Jazzercise colleagues and customers!  Such a blessing to work with such awesome people.
A wonderful co-worker at my teaching job - we are each teaching a section of the same class this semester and she is such a pleasure to work with!
The cheerful poinsettia on my kitchen table.  A gift from the ladies' guild at church.
A full pantry and freezer.  That makes making a menu plan so much easier!
Time to work on making some gifts using items we already own.
A wonderful library with books to read.  I finally set up the additional apps my library uses to listen to audiobooks and digital books.  They use 3 different apps and I had only had one before.  So much more variety and options!  I am so grateful!
January was the first month that my foot felt finally healed after breaking it and spraining a tendon this summer.  I am grateful to feel back to "normal".
The arctic weather this past week gave me some extra time to sew quilt tops for Lutheran World Relief for church.  I was grateful to have the time to complete these.  I may have enough time to sew more soon too!
A lovely sunset on the 31st.  Typically we are at the wrong angle to see the sunset from our windows, but this one covered the entire sky and was just amazing!
What were your blessings this past month?

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