Super Savings Saturday - A $54.15 stock up shop

Sorry, no photo today - it was a rush in, rush out, hurry home, put it away and sit down for supper kind of day!

Buddy and I ran out and grabbed groceries while Missy and John were ringing bells for the Salvation Army Red Kettles.  We had dinner in the crockpot and planned to eat right when we got home because John had one more thing on the agenda today.  We succeeded, and now the children are washing up and getting their things ready for tomorrow, I have one more load of laundry in the clothes washer and Buddy and I will wash up the dishes here as soon as we're all done with showers.  We have dinner tomorrow night with friends, so I get to stay up tonight and grade all the things that were turned in before the holiday and the children plan to snuggle up with some books for a bit before heading to bed.  Lovely evening!

Here's what Buddy and I bought at the store - with commentary:

2 56oz bottles of cranberry juice @ $1.99ea = $3.98 (one for now, one for over Christmas)
Red Velvet Cake Mix $1.99 (to make for John for Christmas - this is his favorite!)
Mandarin Oranges 2 @ $0.89 = $1.78 (both for over Christmas)
Olive Oil 56oz $4.19 (I was totally out)
Sandwich Bread $2.50 (I haven't had time to bake this weekend at all)
Rope Sausage 1lb $3.49 (I thought I had one but I didn't and John specifically asked me to make something that uses this this week)
3.25lbs McIntosh Apples @ $1.39/lb = $4.53
1.98lbs Golden Yams @ $0.59/lb = $1.17
Salad Greens and Spinach B1G1 $2.99
2lbs Onions $1.59 (these should last us several weeks)
3lbs Clementine's $3.88
2.69lbs Yellow Bananas @ $0.59/lb = $1.59
1 gallon milk $3.89
Smart Balance (the huge tub) $6.79 (this should last us several weeks)
2lbs Butter @ $3/lb = $6 (this is to refill my freezer - butter hasn't dropped below this price or I would have bought more)
32oz Yogurt $3.79

Total Spent: $54.15
Total Saved (According to store receipt) $2.99 - though more than that was on sale

We have plenty of vegetables right now - carrots, celery, potatoes, winter squash.  I processed the last three pumpkins from the garden today so we have a total of about 20 cups of pureed pumpkin in the freezer for the rest of winter here.  We also have lots of blanched and frozen vegetables - zucchini, beans, peas, beets, tomatoes, kohlrabi and corn - in the freezer.  We also have tons of chicken, pork and fish in the freezer right now as well as canned chicken and tuna in the pantry.  So, long story short, we have plenty to eat!

Come back Monday to see what we're eating - I actually have the post already written this week!

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