Super Saving Saturday - A $25.64 Thanksgiving Week Shop

This week is the week of the Thanksgiving holiday here in the U.S. and we have so much to be thankful for!   We are not hosting the meal or family this week and we have SO MUCH food in our freezer and cupboards, that we didn't do much shopping today.

My daughter and I went to two stores and bought what you see above:

Store #1:
52oz Vegetable Oil $2.19
1 dozen Eggs $0.79

Total from Store #1: $2.98

Store #2:
2 Carnation Evaporated Milk $1ea = $2
2 Campbell's Chicken Noodle Soup $0.99ea = $1.98
15oz kidney beans  $0.89
15oz chili beans $0.89
2 15oz tomato sauce $0.89ea = $1.78
2lbs Low Sodium Bacon 2lbs/$6 = $6
3lbs Pink Lady Apples $4.99
1.94lbs Yellow Bananas $0.59/lb = $1.14
3.02lbs Red Delicious Apples $0.99/lb = $2.99

Total Store #2: $22.66

Total Spent Today: $25.64

We're spending Thanksgiving with friends this year since John has to lead Worship on both Wednesday and Sunday.  We will be bringing krumkaka (cookies) to add to the meal - my friend LOVES to cook so this is her gift to everyone attending. 

Come back and see what we're eating on Monday!

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