Frugal Friday - Is it already mid-November?

I don't have a photo for you today.  I guess that's okay once in a while, right?   And I guess it's not quite mid-November - that comes early next week.  I still can't believe it's November.  We're really, really enjoying the weather that we usually have in early October and we broke the record for latest frost here by 116 years!  Last time we had a frost this late?  1900.  Go figure. I'm still harvesting strawberries.  No complaints there!
Here's the frugal happenings for the last two weeks:

* Made soup, bread, cornbread, and several other foods at home.

* I had my best friend over for breakfast rather than going out to breakfast.  We had a great time and no one cared if we talked for hours! 

* My Mom made the children their Halloween costumes this year (she's done that every year but one since they were born) and I went as Rosie the Riveter.  I used jeans and a bandana I already owned and borrowed a blue button down shirt from my husband.  I wore a pair of brown boots I already owned and everyone said I totally nailed the costume! It was a fun costume and most people knew who I was!  My husband went as a "mild mannered pastor". LOL. 

* We balanced the budget book and figured out how to pay off the rest of the bills that we need to pay and purchase a new-to-us vehicle in the next 12 months.  My husband's vehicle is a 2000 year model with 300,000 miles on it.  It's been a terrific vehicle but it's starting to really show it's age and we definitely need a new vehicle.  We're pleased that we should be able to make that work out soon!

* We brought home a 1/4 sheet cake, an almond loaf, a partial loaf of bread and a partial package of lunch meat from church functions this week.  I took the sheet cake to work to share and we froze most of the almond loaf for later.

*   The children and I made Christmas ornaments for their teachers and Grandparents using things we already owned.  They turned out cute!  We'll work on a few more things this week.

* I have had a head cold this week so I went to bed early several nights to get the rest so I would heal.  So far it's been working!

* Now that we know roughly what my husband's schedule is like and how much he is getting paid as well as what it taken out of his paycheck (social security is, taxes are not, etc.) we were able to put together a budget and a schedule.  We're enjoying both!
* We used a gift card and some gift money to purchase a few things for my husband's office from Ikea.  We ate dinner there one night - less than $5 per person! 

* I washed all the furniture slipcovers this week.  It's a big job since they all have to hang to dry but with the warm weather that was easy!   Now they are fresh for the winter. 

That's all I can remember off the top of my head.  What did you do that was frugal this week?

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