My Friday Belly Laugh

So, John asked me to help him with picking out hymns for his Ordination Service.  As we were working our way through what is fondly known as the "New Red Hymnal", we came across this:

"All Depends on Our Possessing"

Listed under the heading of "Grace".

(Evangelical Lutheran Worship #589, if you're interested and have a copy).

The combination of the title and the heading gave me the biggest belly laugh I've had in a while. 
I guess that's what happens when you have a hymn without a title and you take the first four or so words of the hymn and make that the title.
The entire first line of the hymn reads as follows:
 "All depends on our possessing God's free grace and constant blessing." 
Whew.  I was worried there for a moment.
What gave you a good laugh today?

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