Menu Plan Monday - Week of January 13, 2013, Pantry Challenge Week #2

Salmon, salad, and couscous.  Salmon is one of our favorite meals - and healthy too!

We're eating from the pantry this week again. Of course, there are lots of good sales this week when I don't have the money allocated to stock up. What's a girl to do?  Do what she can, of course!  We still have tons in our freezer, fridge and pantry so we're still eating good. I feel so blessed to have so much really good food in our house right now!

Here's what's on the menu this week:

Sunday, January 13:
   Breakfast: Cereal and Milk
   Lunch:  Baked Eggs, Cinnamon Biscuit Twists, Apple-Banana-Melon Salad
   Snack: Popcorn
   Dinner: Roasted Chicken, Tossed Salad, Apple-Melon-Pear Salad

Monday, January 14:
  Breakfast: Oatmeal with Almonds and Craisins
  Lunch: Hot lunch for the Children, Leftovers for Mom and Dad
  Snack: Yogurt
  Dinner:  Baked Salmon, Green Beans, Rice, Grapefruit and Melon

Tuesday, January 15:
   Breakfast: Yogurt and Bananas
   Lunch: Hot Lunch for the Children, Leftovers for Mom and Dad
   Snack:  Yogurt
   Dinner:  Ground Turkey Tacos, Apple-Melon-Pear Salad

Wednesday, January 16:
  Breakfast:Pancakes with Applesauce
  Lunch: PB&J, Carrots or Tomatoes, Yogurt, Cookie
  Snack: Applesauce
  Dinner:  Butternut Squash Soup, Homemade Bread, Tossed Salad, Grapefruit

Thursday, January 17:
   Breakfast: Toast with Peanut Butter, Bananas
   Lunch: Hot Lunch for Children, Leftovers for Mom and Dad
   Snack: Yogurt
   Dinner: Chicken Noodle Soup, Homemade Bread, Apple and Pear Slices

Friday, January 18:
  Breakfast:  Oatmeal Muffins, Apple Slices
  Lunch: "Picnic" out with friends - bring pasta salad, fruit salad and cookies
  Snack: Yogurt
  Dinner:  Fried White Fish, Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, Apple-Pear-Banana Salad

Saturday, January 19:
  Breakfast: Blueberry Buckle (using frozen blueberries)
  Lunch: Ham Sandwiches, Cut Veggies, Grapefruit
  Snack: Popcorn
  Dinner: Homemade Pizza and Bread sticks, Sliced Apples and Pears

What are you eating this week?  Check out I'm an Organizing Junkie! to share and be inspired.

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