Super Savings Saturday - $46.08 Shopping Trip

Groceries purchased on March 24, 2018.

We went to three stores today and purchased the pictured groceries.  As with last week, we are spending only cash and we are allowing the children to pick $7 each of snacks for the week. This keeps them out of the groceries that we purchase for the meals and reduces the number of "We have nothing good to eat!" comments as well.  Last week and this week, it seems to be working well.

Here is what we purchased:

Store #1:
1 bag Stacy's Pita Chips $2.50 (for Missy's Snack this week - we had something else to purchase at this store, so it was easy to pick up these on sale for her)

Total Spent Store #1: $2.50

Store #2:
Cinnamon Crunch Cereal $1.39 (for Missy's Snack this week)
Marshmallow Star Cereal $1.39
1lb Rotini $0.79
3pk Colored Sweet Peppers $1.99
3lb Mandarins x2 @ $2.69/ea = $5.38 (one bag for Buddy's snack, one bag for everyone)

Total Spent Store #2: $10.94

Store #3:
Tortilla Chips $1.99
Potato Chips $1.25 (for Buddy's Snack this week)
Salad Shrimp (8oz) $2.99
2.54lbs Bananas @ $0.59/lb = $1.50
2.32lbs Braeburn Apples @ $1.49/lb = $3.46
2lbs Carrots $1.99
6oz Blueberries $2
6oz Red Raspberries $2
1lb Frozen Mango $3.29 (for Missy's snack this week)
1 Gallon 1% Milk $3.79
32oz Yogurt $3.59
8oz Shredded Cheese x2 @ $2ea = $4
1 doz Eggs $0.79

Total Spent Store #3: $32.64

Total Spent at all 3 Stores: $46.08

Missy spent all of her money for snacks, and a few of her few cents leftover from last week, for a running balance of $0.04 to carry forward.  Buddy only spent $3.94 this week and had $0.22 from last week giving him a total of $3.28 carryover for next week.

Come back on Monday and see what we have on the menu for Holy Week!

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