Frugal Friday - Holy Week 2018

Wow, Holy Week hasn't been what we thought it would be. It was spring break for all of us this week and we had planned to do several small projects around the house and take a couple of free-except-for-gas day trips. That wasn't the way it turned out.  The children and I have been down and out with a massive set of head colds.  That meant we spent a ton of hours this week just laying around, sleeping and blowing our noses and coughing.  It was lousy.

Thus, we didn't do much in the way of frugal things, unless you count doing nothing, which I guess is frugal.  Here are the few things we did:

* We managed to eat all the meals at home this week.  John did bring leftovers from a meal at church home one night but otherwise we ate toast, canned or frozen soup, and 'easy' food like pancakes.

* We listened to audiobooks we checked out from the Public Library.

* We watched videos we already owned or ones that we available free online.

* We used products we already had, such as Vitamin C powder and tablets, hot showers, and rest to combat the colds we had this week.

* John packed a lunch every day and dinner one night, when he needed one.  He ate another at church and then brought home the leftover food mentioned above.

* I filled Easter Baskets for the children using previously purchased items.

* I made a  list of items we need to buy before the next pay cycle comes in and we have to pay our tax bill.  Thankfully, there's not much.  We should be just fine.

* We used hard boiled eggs purchased on sale to make Easter Eggs using food coloring, water and vinegar we already owned.  We will eat the hard boiled eggs with salad the beginning of the week. The children had lots of fun and the eggs ended up pretty!

* Missy and I put out Easter decorations we already owned. 

What did you do this week that was frugal?

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