Super Savings Saturday - A $43.21 Stock Up!

The grocery store closest to us had a HUGE buy-one-get-one sale this week!  I still only had $40 (and a bit of change left from the last few weeks) so I had to watch what I bought, but I was extremely pleased with that purchases.  I did skip two things on my list - a second dozen eggs and a jar of peanut butter - since I was already maxing out my budget.  I had a total of $45 in my groceries envelope so I was determined to stick with that.

This is a very busy weekend for us - basketball tournaments for our son, the children's first dance at the middle school they attend, a dear friend's wedding (my husband is officiating), worship, a visitation and funeral.  Whew.   I think we're all going to be ready for a nap, come Monday afternoon!

I squeaked to the grocery store between things on Friday evening (I think I made it in and out in record time!) and picked up the haul above.  Here's what we got:

Kellogg's Mini-Wheats Cereal 2 @ 3/$6 = $4
Boneless Pork Tenderloin B1G1 8lbs for $17.48 ($2.20/lb - the cheapest it's been in a LONG time here!)
5lb Russet Potatoes B1G1 2 for $2.49 ($0.25/lb)
2lb Carrots B1G1 2 for $1.49 ($0.37/lb)
2.93lbs Braeburn Apples @ $1.79/lb = $5.24
Dry Pint Grape Tomatoes B1G1 2 for $2.99
2.24lb Bananas @ $0.29/lb = $0.65
10oz Spinach $3.99
1 Gallon Milk $3.89
1 dozen Eggs $0.99

Total Spent $43.21
Total Saved (according to store receipt): $25.25 (37%)

I was very pleased!  And come back Monday to see what we're eating. 

What did you buy this week?

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