Super Savings Saturday - A $38.76 Shop

We did a quick shop Friday morning between running around for other things.  I hadn't planned on buying the pizzas, since we were driving to my brother-in-law's house to visit for the afternoon and evening.  Instead, John got called to a deathbed and we had to wait to leave.  The pizza then took the place of the lunch we had planned to eat at my brother-in-law's house.    That added an unplanned $10 onto the shop for this week.  We managed to stay within the planned $40/wk budget anyway.

Here's what we bought:

1.02lb Beef Stew Meat @ $5.99/lb = $6.11
2.45lb Chicken Thighs @ $0.99/lb = $2.43
3.12lb D'Anjou Pears @ $0.99/lb = $3.09
3lbs Pink Lady Apples $4.99
Pineapple $2.99
Pizzas 2 @ $4.88ea = $9.76
Sour Cream $1.39
Butter Quarters 2 @ 2/$5 = $5
Yoplait Yogurt 6 @ 20/$10 = $3

Total Spent: $38.76
Total Saved (According to Receipt): $5.22 (12%)

We still have a lot of vegetables in the pantry and the freezer and some meat as well.

Come back Monday to see what we're eating!

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