Super Savings Saturday - CSA, the Farmer's Market and a $32.05 shop this week

That's our CSA box from this week: clockwise from top left: corn on the cob, a HUGE watermelon, cucumbers, onions, green beans, beets, zucchini, kohlrabi and in the middle: garlic, potatoes and tomatoes.

We also ran to the Farmer's Market - the kids desperately wanted honey straws! - and we bought honey straws (I also use them in my tea at work), maple syrup, eggplant, carrots, and apples.  I have no idea how much we spent but we decided to stock up for a while - particularly on the honey and maple syrup.  Our income will be cut severely for about 6-10 weeks (not sure exactly how long yet) and we'll be doing very little, if any, grocery shopping during that time plus we like to stock up for the winter on both of those anyway.  We rarely make it to the Farmer's Market during the winter.  Our Farmer's Market is wonderful, the prices are fantastic and it runs all year round with produce, meat, baked goods, dairy, homemade condiments, honey, maple syrup, and soaps in the summer and all the non-produce items in the winter and Christmas trees in December. 

John and I went to the store on Saturday evening and bought the following:

1 loaf wheat bread $1.99
Two sausage ropes 2/$3 = $3 (store coupon)
Grapes 2.23lb @ $1.69/lb = $3.77
Yellow Bananas 4.82lb @ $0.59/lb = $2.84
24oz frozen fruit 2 @ $5.98 ea = $11.96  (store coupon)
Yogurt Cups 8 @ $5/10 = $4
32oz Greek Yogurt $2.99
1 Gallon Milk $3.49

Total Spent: $32.05
Saved (according to store receipt): $8.60

We are totally set for veggies for quite a while and I will be making tomato sauce and blanching beans and kohlrabi this week again. I'm also hoping to get back to making bread soon.  After several weeks of rest, I think my body can handle that. 

Come back Monday to see what we're eating this week - I'm really excited for some really delicious food this week! Yum!

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