Frugal Saturday - Week of August 7, 2016

Our 18th Wedding Anniversary was this week.   It's so hard for me to believe that it's been that long!  John brought me these beautiful flowers.  They've been on my kitchen table for the whole week and I'm really enjoying them. Most are flowers that last for a long time so I'm hoping to get another week out of them. The "vase" is a bright red "canning" jar that I'm hoping to use in my sewing/craft area after the flowers are gone.  This is the first bouquet of purchased flowers that I've had this year and I'm enjoying having the variety.

We had a pretty quiet week this week.  The children had Vacation Bible School (VBS) this week and not much of anything else other than our usually church things.  I enjoyed having some time to work on things at home and just rest again.

Here's our "frugal accomplishments" this week. 

* We picked tomatoes, green beans, and sweet peppers this week from the garden.

* I made and froze tomato sauce for use this winter.  I also diced and froze peppers for later.  We shredded zucchini for the freezer also - John and I took turns for that because we have to shred by hand.  Lots of work!

* The children each received can of soda pop every day after VBS for being helpers with the younger children.  They had a blast and enjoyed having a nice cold can of soda pop each day.

* I spent some time weeding both the vegetable beds and the flower beds this week.  We filled up the composted container this week (the trash collectors pick this up for us - it's a large size garbage can designated for compostable materials; all branches go into the trash or our wood pile, everything else in here or our own compost bin).  I try not to put weeds in our personal compost bin - we have plenty of weeds without propagating the seeds!

* John trimmed some seasoned wood to the length of the outdoor fireplace and placed them in our log holder.  He also stacked the new wood from this year so it can season for next year.

* We did some deep cleaning in the living room and the kitchen this week using cleaning supplies we already owned and elbow grease.

* I put aside a couple of other projects that I've been working on and started The Big Embroidery Project.  I'm really excited and hope to pick up the Homemade Gift series and post some photos this next week.  I'm so happy that I started this - I should have started it a while ago but I hate having partially done projects around, though there are plenty of those - but this really does need to get done.

It was a quiet week so I don't feel like I have much to report as we didn't really go anywhere, which makes it easy not to spend money and use what we have at home.  I'm looking forward to spending the next couple of weeks getting ready for fall and some other things we have coming up.  I have some things that I'm not quite ready to share with everyone yet but I will be able to in a few weeks!  I'm really excited about all of that too!

What have you been up to this week? 

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