Frugal Saturday - Crazy Busy Week and a few Frugal Things

Boy, this has been quite the week! 

A major shingles attack for me, Easter, Buddy having some kind of flu thing, a day-long meeting with our new-to-us Bishop, and having to make some big decisions and now I'm just plain super tired and ready for some major down time.  We have a huge school/church event tonight and then this next weekend we have 3 separate event plus worship and all our other usual things on Sunday.  I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed, to say the least!

Anyway, here's what we did this last week in spite of all the craziness.

* We went to a movie at the discount theater.  This was something my son had been requesting to do and we spent about $25 total for tickets and popcorn for all four of us.

* Put out Easter decorations that we already owned and used Easter baskets and Easter grass that we already own.  I also sewed a set of Easter decorations using materials that I already had.

* Made most meals at home or brown-bagged leftovers.

* Ate one meal at a meeting at the Synod office during our time with the Bishop and others.  It was delicious!

* My husband and I drove to two events together rather than meeting there and using twice the gas.

* Completed quite a bit of spring cleaning with help from my children and cleaning supplies we already owned.

* Shortened straps on a top for my daughter.

* Made a list of projects we need to do around the house and prioritized the list so we can plan to get all or at least most of them done.

* Brought home three plants from the Easter garden after church on Sunday.  I'm loving having the flowers in my house and it's redoubled my desire to expand my cutting flowers again this year!

* Took two loads of donations to the thrift store and received tax receipts for both.

* Did some preventive yard work digging out easily spreading weeds before they get a full foothold with the warming spring weather.

* Froze leftover ham and the ham bone for later use after Easter dinner.

What did you do this week that was frugal?  I'd love to hear!

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