April Goals - Mid-April Update

I'm having a hard time believing that we're already halfway through April!  Sheesh.  Time flies.

We've gotten a few things done but I haven't gotten as many as I would like to get done by this point. I feel like I have a lot to do and my health hasn't been cooperating very well.  I'm praying this week will better!

My weekly/daily to-do lists are more specific than this but this hits the high points for what I need to do this month.  Here's where we're at this week:

* Finish reading that other book for my research I finished a few pages to finish a chapter. I have about 4 more chapters to go.

* Write at least 3500 words this month - I'd like to write 5000. I have written about 300 so far.

* Finish three house projects this month (on the docket: replace a door knob, paint the stairwell, paint the one repaired kitchen wall).  The door knob is replaced!

* Prep one unit for my summer class. Those of us that teach this class are all meeting next week to make sure everything is all laid out for the next three terms.

* Finish the office shredding.  Done!

* Make all gifts for holidays, and birthdays through the month of June.  I think I'm going to have to pare down this list - I didn't make any additional progress this week but I had quite a bit from before.  We'll see!  Hoping to post some photos this week - Lord willing and the creek don't rise, as they say!

* Sew a spring tablecloth. Not yet.

* Mend at least 5 items. Mended one.

* Finish two mostly-finished embroidery projects and start The Big Project. I realized after I posted last time I forgot the word "embroidery" in this sentence.  Some people knit or crochet, I do embroidery.  I have just a tiny bit on one of those two projects and then I will get cracking on the other one.  I may have to buy more floss before I can finish that one - we'll see. I'm hoping I have just enough.  I'm hoping to get started on The Big Project before the end of the month - it will take me quite a while to complete and I want to make sure that I have plenty of time before it's needed.

* Ready the guest room for company at the end of the month.  This is getting speeded up because our first set of company is coming early!  We're partway done so we'll finish it this week.

* Complete the spring yardwork (as weather permits). John did quite a bit of this this week.

* Take at least two loads of items to the church rummage sale. Done!

I also cleaned out and scrubbed down the coat closet and washed all of our winter gear - it's been over 65F for the last 6 days so I thought I better wash it all before we need it again. 

What have you been up to lately?

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