These are a Few of My Favorite Things - January 2016 Blessings

The beautiful sunrise one morning this past week. I spent a bunch of time just looking at it. 
We've had a lot of blessings this month, the sunrise above is just the beginning:
Watching the Rose Parade on TV to ring in the New Year.
A retirement party for a beloved co-worker.
My husband's 42nd Birthday.
Two meals out - one with a gift card and one at a fundraiser.  Such a treat this month!
The ability to sleep in several days this month.
Catching up the ironing.  (Hurray!) 
Having plenty to eat on a tight budget.
5th Grade Boy's Basketball.
Board games to play as a family.
New insulation in the attic.
Sunshine after so many days of gray and snow.
Acupuncture.   This has been such a huge help with my PHN!
Advil. So grateful I live in a time when this is available and safe!
Ordering seedlings for my garden (they will ship in May).
Our children reading books that we like too.
Our daughter getting her beautiful jewelry displayed at a local venue for an entire month.
A new semester at school for me and the children.
The children being so excited about the things they are learning at school.
At home date nights with my husband and a renewed commitment to make our marriage the very best it can possibly be.
Hot Tea.
Hot Showers.
Quiet evenings at home.
Lots of books to read from our local library.
Free videos to watch online and from the library.
Revisiting books from my childhood just for fun.
My children singing at the top of their lungs!
What have been your blessings in January?

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