These are A Few of My Favorite Things - 2015 in Review

John's Birthday kicked off our new year!    Missy made the decorations.

Epiphany - Cookie party with my parents, my best friend and her husband.  Yum.

My daughter deciding she needed to cook dinner more often - this chicken was from her child's cookbook and turned out fantastic!

Finishing swimming lessons and qualifying for swim team!  Go Buddy and Missy!

Dying Easter eggs - they turned out particularly good this year.  My photos, not so much!

My flowers made me absurdly happy this year - I'm not sure why, but they were amazing!

Buddy and Missy turned 10!  They're so much fun right now!

Mother's Day with my Mother, my Mother-in-Law and my cousin Diane.  So special!

Kick off to summer!  This is the basket I put together for my children, mostly from the Dollar stores, of activities for them to do this summer.  We had a blast!

Minnesota's Biggest Candy Store!  A fun field trip while John was out of town.  These Hot Air Balloons covered the ceiling of the main room, even though my photos didn't turn out so well.

Walking back to the car from the Spash Pad.  This is a favorite every summer!  Free and fun!  Love that.

Homemade ice cream - yum!

Camp Wapo in Amery Wisconsin.  Enough said!

My 40th Birthday.  Thanks to my MIL for the gifts pictured above!  Unfortunately, this is the only photo I have from my birthday!
First day of 5th grade!  Can't believe my children are in Middle School now!

We had SO MUCH RAIN this fall.  Perk?  More rainbows!

Fall pumpkin picking!  We came  home with two huge ones!

Fall color.  This lonely little tree was a good example of the bright colors we had this year.

Trick Or Treating!  I'm always intrigued by what the children pick for costumes.  And the candy hall - oh my word!

Missy playing the piano and the trumpet at church this last year.  She's loving her music.
Christmas with my parents here!  Wonderful!
So many blessings this last year!
Wishing you a happy and blessed 2016.

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