Super Savings - $40.01 Grocery Shop

Sorry folks, no photo this week - I wasn't that on top of things!

My son and I ran to one store and bought the following with our $40 grocery budget - I definitely had the pennies in my purse so the one cent over wasn't going to break us!   We had a yard sale on Saturday, so the $10 in frozen pizza was for dinner that night since we were all wiped and nobody wanted to cook.   Everything else will last through the week. 

We had plenty of apples and pears and a whole package of grapes from last week that will be good through most of this week too and we have sausage, chicken and pork in the freezer as well as a couple of venison and bear steaks (Thanks cousin Bo!) so we're good to go for meat for a while. 

Here's what we bought:

42oz Vegetable Oil $2.49 (store coupon)
64oz Apple Juice $0.99 (sale)
6 10oz cans diced tomatoes @ 3/$2 = $4
3 10oz cans black beans @ 3/$2 = $2
5lb Russet Potatoes $2.49
3.37 lbs Yellow Bananas @$0.67/lb = $2.26
10oz Fresh Spinach $2
8oz Fresh Romaine Lettuce $2
2 Dry Pints Red Raspberries @ 2/$5 = $5
2 Frozen Pizzas @ 2/$10 = $10 (sale)
Smart Balance Spread $2.99
GG Plain Yogurt 32oz $3.79

Total: $40.01

Come back Monday to see what we're eating!  I'm going to enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having - it's mid-October and I'm not foolish enough to think that we'll have many more days of this.  We do live in Minnesota, after all! 

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