Frugal Friday - On a Monday!

What a week!
Lots of shingles pain, grading coming out my ears, parent-teacher conferences, running all over to find tap shoes for my now man-size-footed son, and then we had our garage sale this weekend too.  I'm really am ready for a nap this afternoon.

It seems like I didn't do much frugal this week, but here's what I did:

* Bought 1 yard of lace on sale to my make daughter a crown for her Halloween costume.  If it turns out well, I'll make sure I post about it.

* Used up leftovers to make dinner and/or lunch a couple of times this week.

* Enjoyed a lunch brought in by a co-worker this week.  Another co-worker brought in doughnuts for a treat one afternoon.

* Returned an overdue library book before the fine kicked in. YAY!

* My children went in for well-child checkups and we discovered that the pain in my daughter's foot that we thought was a pulled tendon is actually a bone spur.  The doctor gave us several ways to deal with it now so it doesn't become debilitating.  We only needed to buy a pair of over the counter insoles at this point!

* Taught an extra Jazzercise class this week.  Will get paid for that.

* My children had a teacher in-service on Friday and they spent the day at a friend's house playing.  No sitter to pay! Yay!

* Picked several more tomatoes this week - we're getting down to the end of these now.  The squash is officially done (whew!).  I also picked another cucumber.  I think those are getting close to the end too. 

* Made $96 with the garage sale.  I was really hoping for more but we had very little interest.  Everything else will be donated and we will take the tax deduction.

What did you do that was frugal this last week?

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