Frugal Friday - On A Saturday (again!)

More of my beautiful flowers.
It's hard to believe that another week has already gone by - time is just flying right now!  

We're not into the rest of summer without another paycheck until September.  We did a big stock up run with about half of the grocery/toiletry money until September.  I got offered a new and better contract that won't put us in the same situation again.  It does mean less money per paycheck but we won't have gaps between paychecks like we have been. Whoot!

Anyway, here's what we've been up to this last week, at least as far as frugal things go:

* Two friends loaned me books to read this week.  I had loaned one friend several books last year and the other currently has three of my books to read.  I love being able to share books with friends!

* My daughter found a dress at the store made of material that looked very much like material I had bought for her last year.  We took a photo of it and we will make her a dress in the same style using material and notions we already have. 

* I sorted out several items and priced them for the garage sale we are planning on having later this summer. 

* Cut flowers from my yard for my kitchen table.

* Made biscuits, muffins, scones, soup and pizza from scratch this week.

* We went to both Sam's Club and the grocery store and spent approximately half of our grocery money for the rest of the summer.  We have about $20 per week until September now for mostly perishables.   I'm pleased with that and I think we'll be fine.

* We returned and checked out several books and videos from the public library.

* I put together a list of free activities we could do around the community. 

* I put together a menu plan for the rest of the summer.

* My parents sent me a box of coffee - they order coffee through a free-trade organization through their church.  They sent us a box of 6lbs of coffee beans to replace the 4lbs of coffee they helped us drank (I dink about 1-2 cups per day and John doesn't drink coffee, so they drank the bulk of it) in May.

* I froze bananas and a mango for use in smoothies later.

* I reorganized my pantry so I knew exactly where things are.

What did you do this week?  

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