Frugal Friday - July 3, 2015

I am loving my flowers this year - they're so pretty!
It's been a BUSY but good week.  My body is finally recovering from everything that was going on (we're still not quite sure what was happening) and my car is fixed and it's so nice to have it back!   Here are some things we've done this week in the "Frugal" arena:

* Froze more strawberries for later use in baking and smoothies.

* Baked muffins and waffles from scratch this week.

* Ate some things from the freezer - mostly soup and chili - that needed to be eaten.

* Harvested and dried basil and parsley from our garden. 

* I also harvested lettuce.  We don't have anything else that's quite ready yet.  We did get veggies from our CSA though - spinach, kale, swiss chard, zucchini (ours should be ready in a week or so), cherries, cilantro, broccoli, and a HUGE head of cabbage!

* Helped set up the Uniform Swap at the children's school.   I took my children's out-grown clothes and brought home enough that I need to only buy three uniform polo shirts and one uniform dress shirt.  They had no uniform polos or dress shirts in my children's sizes.  I did get all the bottoms that my children needed!  Hurray!  I am going to wait until closer to school starts and see if we do get the shirts but I'm going to plan on buying them, just in case.
* Fiddled with the scanner/printer/fax that we have and finally got the scanner portion working again!  I'm not quite sure what I did, but now it woks!  Yay!

* Taught a couple of "extra" Jazzercise classes and was paid for that.

* Cleaned out and set aside some things for a garage sale we're going to have later this summer.

* My car is now fixed!   This was frugal for us because we didn't pay for this - it was totally covered by the other driver's insurance.  Hurray!  I am so happy to have "my" car back.

* My son brought home a tie-died t-shirt from camp as a prize for a competition.  He's really excited.

* My daughter has been using beads and other materials we already had to make birthday gifts for her friends for the year.  She is making one for each of the girls in her class at school to give them throughout the year and one for her each of her Grandmothers for their birthdays (August and November).  They're beautiful!

* Inventoried the freezer and planned meals for the next several weeks based on what we have.  We have some things that need to be used up so we will do that so they don't go to waste. 

* Updated the budget book and planned out our budget for the rest of the summer.  I only have one more paycheck for the rest of the summer. 

* Inventoried the few gift cards we have to see how much money we have on them. 

* Renewed library books online so we didn't have to go to the library.  Downloaded a few free ebooks for my Kindle for PC.  Watched a few videos on YouTube and

We brown-bagged lunches for all three of us, cooked mostly from scratch and did most of our "usual" frugal types of things.

What have you done this week?

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