Menu Plan Monday - Week of June 28, 2015

I don't have meal photos this week but I do have photos of our groceries and the second box of our CSA!  So here goes:

CSA First:
Front Row: Left to Right: Peas, Garlic Chives, Garlic Scapes, Dill, Sage
Back Row: Left to Right: Lettuce, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Broccoli
Not Pictured: 1 lb Strawberries
Groceries Next: 

Store #1:
Toilet Cleaner $2.19
Mini Pretzels $1.79
S&W Canned Beans 6 @ 10/$6 = $3.60
Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks $1.50
Cracked Wheat Bread $2.50
Chicken Drum Sticks 4.51lbs @ $0.88/lb = $3.97
Red Mango $0.88
Pears 2.60lbs @ $.99/lb = $2.57
Apples 2.33lb @ $1.49/lb = $3.47
Raspberries (dry pint) 2 @ 2/$4 = $4
Blueberries (dry pint) 2 @ 2/$4 = $4
Smart Balance Spread $2.99
200 ct Coffee Filters $1.79
Total (with tax): $35.25
Store #2:
100ct Kleenex $1.01
Total (with tax): $1.08
So what are we eating this week?  Lots of salad - we have lettuce and spinach and Swiss Chard (silverbeet) from the CSA and we have Butter Crunch Lettuce in our yard that we need to eat.  We also have a few things in the freezer we're trying to use up.  Here's what we're eating this week:
Sunday, June 28:
   Breakfast: Toast with Peanut Butter, Apple or Pear
   Lunch: At Church: Bring Dessert Bars
   Snack: Yogurt
   Dinner: Homemade Pizza and Breadsticks
Monday, June 29 (My parent's 57th Wedding Anniversary!)
   Breakfast: Strawberry-Banana Smoothies with Toast
   Lunch: Chicken Noodle Soup, Bread, Apple or Pear
   Snack: Yogurt
   Dinner: Salad with Chicken, Walnuts, Berries and Couscous
Tuesday, June 30:
    Breakfast: Oatmeal with Walnuts and Craisins
    Lunch:  Leftover Salad
    Snack: Yogurt
    Dinner: Baked Potatoes with Chili, Salad, Berry-Apple Salad
Wednesday, July 1:
    Breakfast: Scrambled Eggs and Toast
    Lunch: Leftover Chili, Salad
    Snack: Yogurt
    Dinner:  Pot Luck at Church: Bring a Tossed Salad
Thursday, July 2:
    Breakfast: Oatmeal with Walnuts and Craisins
    Lunch:  PB&J, Cut Veggies, Apple or Pear
    Snack: Yogurt
    Dinner:  Vegie Stir Fry, Rice, Berry-Apple Salad
Friday, July 3:
    Breakfast: Oatmeal Muffins, Berries
    Lunch: Beef Stew, Bread, Fruit
    Snack: Yogurt
    Dinner: Homemade Pizza and Breadsticks
Saturday, July 4, Independence Day:
    Brunch:  Buttermilk Coffee Cake, Bacon, Sliced Apples and Pears
    Lunch: Hot Dogs in Buns, Corn on the Cob, Red-White-and-Blue Fruit Salad
    Snack: Homemade Ice Cream
    Dinner: At a Friend's House: Bring a Tossed Salad
The chili, chicken noodle soup and beef stew are from the freezer as is the bacon and the chicken.  We are at a friend's house for Independence Day on Saturday and are planning on bringing a Tossed Salad for the dinner and then we'll stay and enjoy the fireworks at a nearby park.   We'll make homemade ice cream on Saturday and we should have enough cream to make two batches - one vanilla and one strawberry.  I will go shopping on Friday to get what we need to make that.
We had lots of apples and pears leftover from last week and the children will take a fruit snack and pretzels for extra snacks at camp each day.  They rarely get fruit snacks but they asked for them and since they were on sale, I agreed.   They spend 8 hours a day outside at camp each day so I think they can have a little "junk food" every now and again! 
We're hoping to get beets (beetroot), cabbage and perhaps cherries and raspberries too this week in our CSA!  I'm excited!
What are you eating this week?

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