Super Savings Saturday - The rest of my November Grocery Money

We're at the end of November - December starts next week - and this week is Thanksgiving here in the US, so holiday it is!   I took advantage of a turkey special and bought a 14.77lb turkey for $13.15 or 89-cents per pound.  Sometimes they drop lower the week of Thanksgiving but in the preview for the sales this week, this was lowest price and I'm glad I bought the bird!  We are with friends this year and I'm bringing fruit and dessert so we'll save the turkey for Christmas or sometime next year.

No photo this week - the battery was charging - but here's what I bought:

14.77lb turkey @ $0.89/lb = $13.15
Jimmy Dean Natural Sausage 2lbs @ 1lb/$3.99 = $7.98
Mixed Fruit 3lb Bag (Red Delicious Apples, Granny Smith Apples & Naval Oranges) 2bags x $3.29 = $6.58
Large Pomegranate $1.99 (this is super cheap for here and we love these so I splurged!)
Bananas 2.26lbs @ $0.59/lb = $1.33
10lbs Russet Potatoes $3
5lbs Whole Carrots $2.49 (I will probably have to blanch and freeze some of these)
Celery Bunch $0.99
Dry Pint Red Raspberries 2 @ $2.50 ea = $5
Gallon Skim Milk $3.99

Total: $46.50
Savings (according to store receipt): $14.35 (19%)

This is about $4 over the total I had left for the month.  Since gasoline prices have been far, far lower than anticipated, we agreed I could take $4 from the gasoline cash and buy groceries, particularly the turkey.  The price will drop again around Christmas but they typically do not go as low as they do at Thanksgiving. 

Apparently there has been a turkey shortage here in the US so the price is higher than normal. In the past I've seen turkeys here for anywhere from $0.49/lb to $0.69/lb so the $0.89 was a bit hard to swallow.  Either way, now we have a bird in the freezer so it's all good! 

The sausage is for when our company is here at the end of December and I'm sure we'll still have carrots left over then too.  We'll probably go through all that fruit this week as well as the milk.  The potatoes and celery will last a few weeks but maybe not all the way to the end of December.

We're starting off December's shopping with a trip to Sam's Club to buy toilet paper and a few other items we're either low on or out of completely.  I'll let you know how that goes next week - hopefully with photos!

How did you do with your shopping this week?

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