Super Savings Saturday - $32.69 Shopping Trip

Our groceries this week.

It's been quite the couple of weeks at our house - shingles, ice and snow, and some overwhelming stuff at work for me, lots of evenings and weekends for John and Buddy added the boy's basketball team at school to the mix just because he didn't have enough going on!   Much of it has been good but I am missing my quiet weekends.  We've also had some financial surprises - Missy's winter coat bit the dust and the oven needs a new heating coil.  We have the money for it but, honestly, it's so hard to see the savings we've worked for the last few years slowly creep down as expenses come up.  I know that that is why we have been saving, but it hurts in a way none-the-less.

Anyway, John went to the store today and bought $32.69 in groceries.  Here's what he got:

Crisco Oil 48oz 2 @ $1.99 (store coupon) = $3.98
Store Brand Canned Beans (1 Navy, 2 chili, 1 black) 4 @ $0.59 = $2.36
Pillsbury Bleached All-Purpose Flour 5lb 2 @ $1.99 (store coupon) = $3.98
Store Brand Premium Bacon 2 @ $1.99 = $3.98
Bananas 2.79lbs @ $0.59/lb = $1.65
3lbs Cortland Apples $2.49
White Mushrooms $0.99 (store coupon)
2lb Yellow Onions $1.29
Smart Balance Spread $2.49
1 gallon Skim Milk $3.99
1 dozen Grade A Eggs 2 @ $1.25ea (store coupon) = $2.50

Total $32.69
Savings (according to store receipt) $9.88 (23%)

For the rest of this month, November, we have $42 and change left for groceries/toiletries/paper products (we spent over $40 last week on stocking up on some things including some pork loin).   That means I have to watch and plan carefully for the rest of the month! 

Come back Monday to see what we're eating!

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