These are a Few of My Favorite Things - The August Wrap Up Edition

August was a very busy month for us with two weeks of Vacation Bible School (VBS) - each at a different church, camping and then John starting Internship.  In there we also had back-to-school night, my cousin's book signing and a few other things as well.  It was a good month and I'm so grateful for so many things.  Here are a few of the things I was grateful for in August this year:

My mother-in-law, me, our nephew, my father-in-law, two of my cousins, and my youngest brother-in-law all have August birthdays.  That means lots of cards and gifts being sent around.
The children and I made my mother-in-law a necklace using things we had on hand as a gift. It turned out cute but I totally forgot to take a photo.  She liked it, which is the best part!
My mother-in-law sent me these cute kitchen towels as a gift.
John bought me these beautiful flowers (only $5 at the farmer's market!) and some super decadent chocolate.  That's all I wanted this year!
And this hysterical little guy was my cake - its actually just a regular cupcake with a TON of frosting.  Super Yummy!  This made me laugh so hard when I saw it.

Ignore the fingerprints on the table please!

I didn't get many photos from VBS and most of them were pretty crummy.  I did get a couple of videos of the children at their final programs for John, who couldn't make it to either program. He really appreciated being able to see what the children were up to even though he couldn't be there.
My daughter's best friend was able to join her for VBS again this year - she was thrilled!
Listening to my children sing their VBS songs whenever they feel like it.
The super cool decorations that both VBS's had - they were AWESOME!
Getting time to get ready for the semester while the children were at VBS.
I had purposefully bought two gift cards last spring so I could work at a coffee shop while the children were at VBS at our Internship church.  It was such a blessing to enjoy some fancy coffee and work in relatively distraction-less space for a couple of hours each day that week!  The coffee shop is just a couple of blocks from the church, so it's nice and convenient and I got a short walk in too!
That week meant that I am basically ready for the semester start - other than last minute stuff (copies, uploading items, etc.).
My cousin's book signing went really well and it was SO good to see her.  It was a lot of driving for one day, but we felt it was worth it.
Her Dad, my Uncle, was finally admitted to a memory care facility. This is a HUGE load off her mind and she was looking forward to doing some things that she hasn't been able to now that she doesn't have to worry about her Dad so much.  I'm so happy that she doesn't have that stress anymore!
We've gotten to eat outside so many times this August - always love that!
Digging in our garden.
Finally getting the mulch laid in all the flower beds.
Making freezer meals for a relative who really needs them.

Being able to take a week and go camping with my family.
This is always a highlight of the summer and we had a good time this year too. 
The weather was not quite as nice as we would have liked overall and we spent one day reading and napping because the weather was icky.  We did get to go on a couple of hikes and got to do a little swimming - after the icky weather the algae was so bad we didn't dare actually go in the water.
Here are some of the other highlights from our camping trip:
This amazing little fort-thing on the beach near where we were camping.  The children want to build one in our back yard now!
The children were jumping over the waves when we went to the beach on the first day.  This is great photo of Buddy, I'm not sure what Missy is doing though!

Hiking!  We always enjoy hiking and this day was BEAUTIFUL for hiking.  Mid-70's F with a nice breeze.  Can't beat it! 

John trying to teach the children to skip rocks.  I'm not sure they succeeded but they sure had a good time!

Other random blessings from this August:
John's graduation from his summer program.  So nice! 
And it was so nice to meet the people he'd worked with all summer.
My daughter making cookies with me.
Clean laundry! And a clothes washing machine.  I'm SO thankful for these!
Central air conditioning.  Summer finally kicked in for about a week here. And it was brutal.  I don't think we could ever live in the southern half of the US - the heat bothers John way too much and I have trouble with humidity.  Good thing we live in Minnesota!
Sore muscles from working around the house and my Jazzercise classes.
Waiting for a friend's baby to be born.
My son making dinner and washing dishes with my husband.
My husband's stress level going way, way down.  LOVE THAT!
Hot coffee in the mornings.
Sunflowers brought home by the children from a children's sermon at church.
Herbs drying in my kitchen window.
The baby birds in the nest on the downspout next to the garage.
My roses blooming like crazy.
The children being so excited about the start of school next week.
My daughter finally learning how to wash her hair (this has been a huge struggle!)
My son's morning cuddles with me.  I hope he never gets to big for this!
Tomatoes ripening in our garden.
Thirty-eight gladiolas with buds in along my fence.
What have been your blessings this August?

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