Super Savings Saturday - The No Photo Edition! (And $0 OOP!)

I sadly neglected to take photos of our groceries this week because, well, there were other things that were way more urgent!  We got both CSA boxes this week and I did a quick run to one store with a gift card to pick up a couple things.

CSA #1 contained the following this week:
Patty Pan Summer Squash
Sweet Peppers - Yellow an Green
Tomatoes - big, little, Roma and yellow pear, and yellow and red grape and cherry - these literally take up a whole shelf in our fridge this week!  (And, yes, Buddy was WAY happy about this!  And I think I need to make either sauce or salsa.)
Green onions
Yellow Onion
Clove of Garlic

CSA #2 contained the following:
4 oranges
5 peaches
2lbs red grapes
2lbs green grapes
5 yellow plums
6 purple plums

At the store I purchased with a gift card:
1 gallon milk
18 count eggs
2 packages of bacon (gotta have BLTs with all those tomatoes!)

From our yard we picked;
A handful of green beans
3 purple cherry tomatoes
3 green peppers
2 purple peppers
1 red tomato
1 yellow tomato
5 strawberries (our strawberry plants are continuing to bear fruit surprisingly!)

I spent $0 out of pocket this week and we're hoping we can keep that up.  We have approximately 3 weeks until our paychecks start up again and we should be able to do it just fine.  We have some chicken, pork, shrimp, cod and a turkey along with already cooked chicken, turkey and salmon in the freezer.  We're holding fine for veggies and fruit as well as dairy and our pantry is still full of canned goods.   We'll see how creative I have to get by the end of the three weeks!
Come back Monday to see what we're eating this week!

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