Super Savings Saturday - Spent $20.38, CSA bounty and the last bit of our stock up fund too

It's been a very strange week here - I feel like all I did was run all week but I really didn't go anywhere outside of our normal weekly running (lessons and Jazzercise - we picked up the CSA shares on the way home from these).  We're still thinking through the big decisions we have coming up and so appreciate your prayers for discernment!  Thank you so much!

As we were getting ourselves organized this week we found out that we still had $20 in the stock up fund! We were surprised - we thought we'd spent all of that.  I guess that's a good indication of how completely and totally unorganized we've been in some respects lately. UGH.  Anyway, we decided to use that to stock up on some tortilla chips and crackers (you'll see below) since those are two things we really enjoy having around the house but don't seem to be in the "regular" grocery budget.

First - here is what we received in the two CSA's we subscribe to:

First up, Veggies (and a little fruit)!
Clockwise from top left - Swiss Chard, Red Lettuce, Butter Crunch Lettuce, Rhubarb, Garlic Scapes, Peas, Dill (above the peas), Strawberries, Radishes, and more Lettuce (I'm not sure of the variety - a Bib variety maybe?).

Aren't the colors of the Swiss Chard stems beautiful?  I love how bright they are! 

This was our first Fruit Share box - it's all organic, small farmers but I'm not entirely sure I'd call the fruit "regional" as it was advertised. I did love that we got a letter telling us about the farmers that grew our produce. Either way, since the box is sitting on my stove, you have an idea of how big it is! We have three pints of Blueberries, a dozen or so Plums (including 4 that did not make it all the way home from pickup), four Nectarines, five Peaches, roughly 1 1/2 lbs of grapes and roughly a pound of Cherries.   They are all super delicious!
I froze one pint of Blueberries for use later in the year in either baking or smoothies.
Now, on to the grocery store shopping!
Here's what we bought from this week's grocery budge:

I only went to one store. Here's the price breakdown:
Beef Round Tip Steak 1.08lb @ $4.49/lb = $4.85
2lbs Yellow Onions $1.59
5lb Russet Potatoes $2.99
Bulk Couscous 1.54lbs @ $3.49/lb = $5.37
HUGE Cucumber $0.50
Mushrooms $0.99 (coupon)
Gallon Kemp's Skim Milk $3.99
Total Spent: $20.38
Saved (according to Store Receipt): $0.70 (3%)
I'm planning on using the steak when we're camping this summer.  I actually went for a better priced steak they were advertising but I found I needed to buy why more than I had money for (each package was well over $10) and since this was a decent price and I only needed one pound, I bought it!  I was quite happy with this trip - we only needed the milk, potatoes and onions.
The below photo is a photo of what we spent the remainder of our stock up fund on.  Could we have spent it better? Probably.  But crackers and bagels make us happy! :)

And yes, I did go to Aldi.
The one thing we really like at Aldi is the crackers, so we decided to go there since we could get the biggest bang for our buck and have crackers we liked!  Here's the price breakdown:
11.03oz Decaf Coffee $2.79 (I very rarely drink decaf but need some this week - I'm hoping it tastes okay - if not we have milk and sugar!)
Blue Tortilla Chips $1.69
Whole Grain Tortilla Chips $1.69
Mini Bagels $1.99
Honey $2.99
Butter Crackers $1.45
Oyster Crackers 2 @ $0.89 (we like to have these on hand for upset tummies)
Cracker Assortment $2.69
Total: $17.07
Come back on Monday to see what we're eating - it's a holiday week this week, you know!

How did you do with your shopping this week?

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