Menu Plan Monday - Week of June 8, 2014

Is it really June?

I'm feeling like I live in a time warp again.... sigh.

No photo this week - I'm posting from my work computer which, alas, does not have my food photos on it.   If I remember, I'll add one later.

We had a HUGE shopping trip this week - our favorite grocery store is going out of business sometime soon, but we have no idea when.  We bought about $200 in gift cards over this last year through the SCIP program at our children's school (we get cash back toward our children's tuition for purchases) so we'd have a bit of a cushion this year.  Anyway, we need to use up those cards before the store closes.  So we spent just over $100 of that this weekend on groceries - strawberries to slice and freeze for baking and smoothies later on, whole chicken, bacon, pepperoni (which I got for 50 cents a package!), cereal, cheese, a couple of frozen pizzas, more canned beans, cooking oil, shortening, butter, batteries and a few toiletries.  I'm totally bummed that we needed to use up those cards now but it means our pantry and freezer will be VERY WELL stocked.  We also bought some more perishable fruit for this week and some milk.

We had a surprise visit from one of John's cohort from Seminary who was in town just for the weekend. He treated us to a meal out on Sunday after worship as a way to say "Thank You!" for all the rides to and from the airport, overnights in our guest room and all that "stuff" from the last four years.  I ordered a bacon cheeseburger with blue cheese - super yum! I rarely have cheeseburgers or blue cheese so that was a real treat! We also spent about an hour and a half wandering around the St. Paul Farmer's Market.  I love walking around if nothing else - so much to look at and enjoy and the market itself is free (parking is $1)!

I'm on call for jury duty again this week and John is still enjoying the first phase of his Internship.  The kids are at camp this week at the local YMCA and they're really looking forward to trying both archery and fishing.  (Buddy has tried both before through Cub Scouts but Missy has not.)  I'm hoping to finish getting things mostly lined up for fall - at least to the point where I can work from home the rest of the summer. 

All four of us are brown-bagging lunches this week so lots of lunch to pack! Fortunately John and I have microwaves available so taking leftovers is a nice option.  The kids need non-perishable lunches so that's what they'll have - either PB&J or turkey and vegetable sandwiches or kabobs (sandwich fillings on a kabob stick with the sharp point cut off) or crackers and cheese. 

Anyway, here's what we're eating this week:

Sunday, June 8:
   Breakfast: Cereal  and Milk
   Lunch: Out with our friend (his treat!)
   Snack: Popcorn
   Dinner: Salad with Chicken, Strawberries and Blackberries

Monday, June 9:
   Breakfast: Pancakes from the freezer, Strawberries and Bananas
   Lunch: Leftover Salad for the adults, Sandwiches and Fruit for the children
   Snack: Sugar Cookies
   Dinner: Chicken Divan, Homemade Whole Wheat Honey Biscuits, Fruit Salad

Tuesday, June 10:
   Breakfast: Oatmeal Muffins, Bananas
   Lunch: Leftovers for the adults, Crackers and Cheese, Cut Veggies and Fruit for the children
   Snack: Popcorn
   Dinner: Beef Tips in the Crock pot, Rice, Steamed Carrots, Fruit Salad

Wednesday, June 11:
   Breakfast: Cereal with Bananas and Milk
   Lunch: Leftovers for the adults, Cookout at Camp for the children
   Snack: Sugar Cookies
   Dinner: Pot Luck at Church: Bring a Fruit Salad

Thursday, June 12:
   Breakfast: Waffles from the freezer, walnuts and bananas
   Lunch: Leftovers for the adults, Sandwich Kabobs with Fruit for the children
   Snack: Ginger Cookies
   Dinner: Vegetarian Fried Rice, Fruit Salad

Friday, June 13:
   Breakfast: Cereal with Bananas and Milk
   Lunch:  Leftovers for the adults, Sandwiches and Fruit for the children
   Snack: Popcorn
   Dinner: Grilled Vegetables and Potatoes, Chicken Flavored Rice, Fruit Salad
   Dessert: Rhubarb Crisp

Saturday, June 14:
   Breakfast: Blueberry Buckle
   Lunch: Tuna Wrap Sandwiches, Fruit
   Snack: Rhubarb Crisp
   Dinner: Homemade Pizza and Bread sticks

What are you eating this week?

PS  Here's the link to the CSA including the Fruit Share:  Big River Farms
This is not the CSA we use for our vegetables (we have a good friend whose CSA we use instead) but I have several friends (more than 10 families!) who get their veggies from here and have been VERY happy with their service and produce.  The fruit is not all local but is organic and high quality - we're excited to be part of this. (Note: I have received no compensation for posting this link here! I had some questions about where we're getting our fruit and wanted to share. Thanks.)

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